Roland Moore
-Writer, Showrunner and Series Creator-

"One of their (the Weeping Angels) scarier outings. The script is fast-paced and full of incident, offering set piece after set piece."
Doctor Who Magazine (on 'Stone Cold')
"‘Fade Out’ by Roland Moore is a highlight not just of this set but arguably the whole series." Sci-fi Bulletin (on Survivors)
"Moore’s a multi-level writer, he won’t ever leave you hanging on a single story-strand." Warped Factor
"‘Roland Moore’s Moonshine is another well-rendered twin-track story, that’s particularly impressive in terms of its character development." Cultbox (on Star Cops)
"Roland Moore’s script is a surprisingly intricate one with lots of interlocking pieces, detailed dialogue, and some fantastic twists and turns that really keep you guessing."
"It's a contender for Big Finish's strongest release of the year."
Doctor Who Magazine (on 'Night Witches'.
"He provides a script which definitely kept us guessing, with more than one occasion where we were wrong footed.." Cultbox.