Roland Moore
-Writer, Showrunner and Series Creator-
The Night Witches

"A lovely, heartfelt, romantic tale that succeeds in combining the emotional heft of modern Doctor Who with a genuine feel for the Troughton era." Doctor Who Magazine
Review on Sci-Fi Bulletin (10/10)
Review on Planet Mondas (9/10)
Review in Starburst (8/10)
Review on Blogtor Who (10/10)
Review on Indie Mac User (Highly Recommended)
Review on WhovianReviews (4/5)
"Not only is The Night Witches a solid continuation of what’s great about the Troughton era of Who, then, but it also adds some progressive twists to its style of story and allows all the companions to shine; a very solid Big Finish debut from Roland Moore." - Starburst Magazine
" feels like he has been writing for this team of TARDIS travellers for many years. Each character is pitched perfectly." - Blogtor Who
"it's a contender for Big Finish's strongest release of the year" Doctor Who Magazine.
"One of the best recreations of the period that Big Finish has done, this is an excellent addition to the stories featuring the TARDIS crew of the very early Troughton years" - Sci-Fi Bulletin
"A cracking start to a new series and a fab reboot of one of my favourite genres – a well deserved 9/10." - Planet Mondas
"The Night Witches’ as a whole is a brilliant testament to the impactful power that the true historical genre can still hold and a fantastic beginning to this newest run of The Early Adventures." WhovianReviews
Some of the wonderful people involved in The Night Witches: Anneke Wills, Wanda Opalinska, Anjella Mackintosh, Kristina Buikaite and Helen Goldwyn.