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The Robots of Life

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"The pilot is an important step in a series. It showcases the foundations of the series, introduces us to all the main players, whilst also balancing showing where the series can go, and giving an interesting initial story. Thankfully, Moore’s introductory tale gives us exactly that, reintroducing us to Kaldoran society, and giving us a nice little mystery to try and unravel, alongside some excellent character building between our two leads."

                                               Jack Ryan in Blogtor Who

"He provides a script which definitely kept us guessing, with more than one occasion where we were wrong footed. There are also a couple of superb cliff-hangers along the way." Ian McArdell in Cultbox.

"Moore is very good at throwing curveballs at the audience (and those within the fiction). There are some definite what the hell moments that spark the story off in a new direction." Paul Simpson, Sci-fi Bulletin.

© 2024 by Roland Moore


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